понедельник, 25 мая 2015 г.

17 Ways To Never Have A Bad Hair Day Again

17 Ways To Never Have A Bad Hair Day Again

1. Fill a Tic-Tac box with bobby pins and throw it in your purse.

Digging around in the bottom of your bag for a bobby pin is maybe the most annoying thing ever. NEVER AGAIN!

Digging around in the bottom of your bag for a bobby pin is maybe the most annoying thing ever. NEVER AGAIN!

Via buzzfeed.com

2. This gigantic topknot is so elegant and easy to do.

And, more importantly, doable in under five minutes with a hangover and/or screaming child.

And, more importantly, doable in under five minutes with a hangover and/or screaming child.

Via pinterest.com

3. And you don't even need a hair tie for this one.

Via beauty-tutorial.blogspot.ca

4. If you don't have time to heat-style your hair, these waves are for you.

Via prettygossip.com

5. Or you can get these perfect spirals by doing a one-minute prep the night before.

Via prettygossip.com

6. OR get looser, less-defined waves by flat-ironing braids.


7. Afraid of commitment? Try these adorable fake bangs.

Also, perfect for hiding forehead zits in a flash.targetstyle.tumblr.com

Also, perfect for hiding forehead zits in a flash.

8. Tired of your bobby pins always sliding around?

Your style will stay put all day with these.

Your style will stay put all day with these.

Via prettygossip.com

9. You can do these easy steps at night to have curls in the morning.

Via lovemaegan.com

10. Lie and say this up-do took longer than brushing your teeth.

So chic.

So chic.


11. This two-minute beehive is a snap.

You don't even need hairspray! Just a hairbrush and roughly 3,258 bobby pins.

Because who has time to wash their hair?

Because who has time to wash their hair?

Via thelittlegiggler.com

13. Everyone will think this easy braided headband required a lot of effort.

Even though it really didn't, duh.pinterest.com

Even though it really didn't, duh.

14. Spray a toothbrush with hairspray and use it to comb down flyaways and baby hairs.

Via thebeautydepartment.com

15. Pack your flatiron even when it's hot!


16. Simple braid buns make second-day hair even better than it was the day before.

Via beauty-tutorial.blogspot.ca

17. And if your hair is REALLY messy, just hide it with a scarf.

Via instagram.com

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One way to stick to your New Year's resolution? Put some money on the line.

Original article and pictures take www.buzzfeed.com site

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