So to begin, take a brow brush (known as a spoolie) and brush slightly upwards and across.

There are 2 main options for filling and shaping eyebrows; eyebrow pencils or eyebrow powders. Generally for a more softer and natural look, powders are the way to go because they blend better. Eye shadows can be used as eyebrow powders and here a matte brown shade is being used to fill in the eyebrows. When picking out a type of eyebrow powder (eye shadow in this case) you want to look for a color that is 2 shades darker than your hair. If you're blonde, just a nice shade of warm brown should work.
To find the start of your eyebrow, place the brush on the edge of you nose, straight up to your eyebrow. Then, use the angled brush to shape the eyebrows. Make the thicker in the front and get thinner as you move towards the edge. Tip: the thicker the your eyebrows are, the younger you look. Ever see those models with really full eyebrows? ;)

Of course measure and do the same for the eyebrow!

To find the arch of your brow, place the angled brush again on the outer edge of your nose (outlined in the picture below) and angle it upwards, lining with the outer part of your pupil. If you have thinner eyebrows like the model here, you can basically draw on your ideal shape for an arch. But if you have more eyebrow hair, try to follow your natural eyebrow shape.

You can take some more eye shadow to darken the arch and end of the brows for a uniform look.

Finally, to find where your eyebrows should end, place the brush again at the edge of your nose and then line it up against the outer corner of your eye.

The main trick to achieving the perfect eyebrows is using some concealer to blend the shaped eyebrows against your skin. I really recommend Make Up Forever concealer. It has full coverage and you really only need a small amount of it at a time. Without concealer makeup, the brows can look more harsh and drawn on.

After you've blended out the concealer, your eyebrows should look very clean, groomed and ready to go! Hope you enjoyed this quick tutorial. Special thank you to our friend Promise Phan for the tutorial!

Stay Pretty! ♥
Original article and pictures take flawlesseyeshadows.blogspot.com site
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